[This is the game jam version, with bugs and all. The updated game can be found here: https://null-game.itch.io/shadown-hunterv1]

You are the last Shadown Hunter, tasked to seal the last gate to the Shadow realm. Fight shadows to gain Ecto, which you can transmute into useful powers and strong weapons. But the shadows aren't going down easily, and maybe wont go down at all; Fight as long as you can in this wave shooter inspired by COD: Zombies!

This is my first game I've ever made, as well as my first Game Jam. For Pirate Jam 15




Null Game

Asset Credits:

Fps Controller: GTroubley Gravestone: Ajant

Skybox: AVIONX

PSX Assets: elbolilloduro

PSX Halloween Graveyard: blendervoyage

Nav Mesh and teaching me Unity: brackeys

Fps Arms: DJMaesen

Vending Machine: Lucian_3D

Pistol: Alpooo

SMG: Alpooo

Sniper: Kawflynn

Classic64 Asset Library: Craig Snedeker

Ultra Skybox fog: Galactic Studios

Knife: KingSimple

Updated 28 days ago
AuthorNull Game
Tagsalchemy, FPS, Shadows


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Unfortunately, I missed ONE LINE of code and so the player cannot die. So if your Health Reaches 0, (The red bar should only have a circle left) please consider that a fail state :)

Also, one of the powerups doesnt update the enemy count, so it softlocks the game :/